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Re: more accurate beat locations

Hi Alex,

You might want to have a look at Simon Dixon's BeatRoot:

He uses an alternative method for determining onsets which is documented elsewhere, but his lightweight multi-agent then post- processes those onset locations to determine the most likely tactus. From what I remember of his work, it shouldn't be hard to persuade some of those agents to report information for other layers of the metrical heirarchy (such as bars).

Best wishes,

On 26 Mar 2007, at 18:53, Alex Norman wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone here has some code available that processes the beat/onset info that aubio gives to get even more accurate beat location information? I've found that if I calculate the median of the distances between neighboring beats, I get a rather good estimation of the tempo, and then I can remove beat locations that don't correspond to this tempo, but then I have a lot of empty space without beat locations. I'd like to intelligently interpolate the beat locations so that I have a solid tempo indication over the whole song.

Anyways, if anyone has advice or code examples for this please send them my way. I figure doing the auto-correlation of beat locations would help, or simply finding beat locations that are close to whole number multiples of the median distance from a long run of "solid" beat locations [and then inserting the
missing in-between locations].


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